Russian Coatings Journal



9 Architectural Coatings Market

12 The main trends in outdoor architectural coatings

14 Additives for coatings — «OUR PLUS» — Candidate of Chem. Sci. Balmasov G.F.
26 Formulation of cycloaliphatic adducted amine hardeners for self-leveling floors and anticorrosive primers — Machulskayte T. V., Spiridonovа A. S., Candidate of Tech. Sci. Dmitrieva Yu. N., Keresten A. A., Rumyantsev D. A., Candidate of Chem. Sci. Pirozhnikov P. B.
Hardeners based on cycloaliphatic amines adducted with epoxy oligomers have been developed. The structure and physical properties of the hardeners were studied in comparison with standards. The physico-mechanical properties and cure rate of epoxy coatings using synthesized hardeners were analyzed.
Keywords: amine hardeners, epoxy oligomers, adducts, development of analogs, physical and mechanical properties, cure rate.

16 SUDARSHAN Pigments: wide range, global reach

18 Selection of pigments for internal coatings of pipelines — Buziner Yu. L. Doctor of Chem. Sci., Professor Mashlyakovsky L.N.
The analysis of the influence of pigments on the coating for corrosion protection of oil and gas pipelines has been carried out. Technical descriptions and test results of coatings on soot and black iron oxide pigment under the influence of a magnetic field are presented.
Keywords: iron oxide pigments, soot, pipeline protection.

22 Film–forming inhibited petroleum formulations are a highly effective alternative to anticorrosive coatings — Candidate of Tech. Sci., Associate Professor, Voitovich V.A., Candidate of Tech. Sci., Professor Khryapchenkova I.N.
The article draws attention to the fact that despite the successful combination of properties such as the ability to provide long-term protection of ferrous metals from corrosion, unpretentiousness in technology (they can be applied to wet and even corroded products), accessibility, relative cheapness, film-forming inhibited petroleum compounds (PINS) are still used on a scale far from justified. In this article, the authors are trying to draw decent attention to them.
Keywords: petroleum composition, inhibitor, alternative to traditional coatings.

32 Investigation of the influence of technological parameters of epoxy oligomers and their solutions on the rheology of paint and varnish materials — Senior lecturer Pavlov A.V., Sosipatrova D.R., Candidate of Tech. Sci., Associate Professor Fediakova N.V., Isakhanyan N.A.
The paper shows the influence of the molecular weight of epoxy resins on the characteristics of the conditional viscosity of their solutions in organic solvents in order to optimize the formulation of epoxy paint and varnish materials. In the course of the work a number of epoxy oligomers with different molecular weights from different manufacturers, as well as solvents for the preparation of resin solutions were selected. The results of the work are viscosity curves of the studied solutions, calculation of technological points, construction of graphical dependences of solution properties on molecular weights of the considered oligomers.
Keywords: conditional viscosity, epoxy oligomers, molecular weight, viscosity curves.

47 Inter-operational removable industrial coatings — Ivanov K. M., Candidate of Tech. Sci., Associate Professor Fediakova N. V., Senior lecturer Pavlov A. V., Isachanyan N. A.
The work is devoted to the development of formulations of removable inter-operating industrial paint and varnish materials. The influence of various pigments and additives on the properties of materials and coatings based on them is shown. The coatings have the necessary removability and meet the requirements for these types of paintwork coatings.
Keywords: temporary protective coatings, chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (CPVC) resin, high impact polystyrene (HIPS), plasticizers.

52 Prospects for the use of UV/LED/EB - curable paints and varnishes for coatings applied to metal substrates — Doctor of Tech. Sci. Andrian Nistratov, Master’s degree Hao Wu, Bachelor Hua Chun, Candidate of Chem. Sci. Pengfei Yang, Candidate of Chem. Sci. Zongping Yu
The analysis of the achievements of the world's leading companies in the field of creating materials and technologies for the production of paint coatings formed using UV/LED/EB curing to protect metal substrates is carried out.
Keywords: photo-curing, coatings for rolled metal, coatings for sheet metal.

40 Causes and methods for controlling the cracking of the vibration-absorbing epoxy coating named mastic VIPOKOM — Saigusheva A. S., Tyurin S. V.
The article discusses the properties of the vibration-absorbing coating when a standard solvent is added to it. A method for determining possible ways of introducing an abnormal solvent into the coating and a method for quantifying the content of volatile substances in the coating are described. The effects of adding an abnormal solvent during the preparation of the coating on the content of volatile substances in the cured coating have been determined.
Keywords: vibration-absorbing epoxy coating of Vipokom Mastic, mass fraction of volatile substances, standard solvent, abnormal solvent, gas chromatography method, intense cracking, degassing process, qualitative and quantitative methods for controlling abnormal solvents.


61 The exhibition "Chemistry-2024"— scale, dynamic, interesting


66 Index of articles published in 2024
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8 Marine Coatings Market: Global industry analysis and forecast

12 A new technique for determining the effectiveness of biocides in antifouling coatings — Drinberg A. A., Candidate of Chem. Sci. Mamentnabiev T. E., Okhrimenko A. G., Doctor of Tech. Sci. Sychev M.M., Doctor of Tech. Sci. Drinberg A. S.
Existing technologies for combating marine biofouling have been studied. Requirements for the development of new antifouling materials have been formulated. A new method for determining the concentration of copper ions at the surface-water phase boundary using inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy has been developed and tested.
Keywords: biofouling, biocides, antifouling coatings, leaching, ion concentration, mass spectroscopy, inductively coupled plasma.

25 Development of technology for synthesizing single-component polyurethane prepolymers — Grakhov D. A., Candidate of Chem. Sci. Podshivalov A. V., Doctor of Tech. Sci. Drinberg A. S.
A detailed analysis of the market for existing polyurethane prepolymers is provided. Modern technologies for their production have been studied. Key requirements for the development of new polyurethane prepolymers are formulated. A new technique for stabilizing one-component polyurethane prepolymers to increase their shelf life and improve performance characteristics is presented.
Keywords: polyurethanes, prepolymers, prepolymers, isocyanates, polyols.

16 Research on the creation of new environmentally friendly antifouling coatings

30 To restore lost positions. Part 8. From glass captivity to coatings — Candidate of Tech. Sci., Associate Professor Voitovich V. A., Candidate of Tech. Sci., Professor Khryapchenkova I. N., Egorov V. A., Vakhromov R. V., Tomashuk A. V.
The article draws attention to an unused source of polyvinyl butyral polymer — broken triplex. Examples of its use in paints and varnishes are given.
Keywords: broken triplex, polyvinyl butyral, coatings, removable coatings.

36 Plasma technology in the field of painting — Doctor of Chem. Sci., Prof. Stepin S. N., Doctor of Tech. Sci. Prof. Shaekhov M. F., Bach. Ilkaeva E. V.
The basic plasma technologies used in the field of painting and equipment for their realization are considered. The efficiency of plasma treatment in surface cleaning before application of paint and varnish material, surface preparation of polymer objects for painting is shown. The peculiarities of plasma polymerization and its application for application of thin primer layers enhancing adhesion of coatings and encapsulation of corrosion inhibitors in order to use them as a substitute for toxic anticorrosion pigments are discussed.
Keywords: plasma, plasma surface preparation, plasma polymerization.

33 The symbol «Approved by the Soyuzkraska Association» — Candidate of Tech. Sci. Fedotov S. I.

46 In Memory of Indeykin E. A.
47 In Memory of Mayorova N. V.

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12 Let's speak and write uniformly — Candidate of Tech. Sci., Associate Prof., Voitovich V. A., Candidate of Tech. Sci. Prof. Khryapchenkova I. N.

14 The principle of universality and the variety of possibilities of O3-Coatings — Candidate of Tech. Sci. Leshchinskaya I. K., Yeltsova Yu. V.
35 Resins for industrial wood coatings
41 Alkyd resins — serving people for almost one century. Part 2. The architecture of molecules for the production of high solids resins — Candidate of Chem. Sci. Kaverinsky V. S.

18 Functional additives Cheongwoo CFC® — Belyakina P. S.
24 Polyurethane dispersions in the assortment of Euro Color LLC — Brouwere K. Yu.

26 Protective paintwork systems for aboveground reinforced concrete structures. General technical requirements — Doctor of Tech. Sci., Prof. Stepanova V. F., Sokolova S. E., Koroleva E. N.
The results of the development of the organization's standard for protective paintwork systems for aboveground reinforced concrete structures are presented. A scientifically based approach to the selection of criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of paint and varnish coating systems for concrete is presented. It contains a list of minimum required quality indicators for evaluating protective coating systems on concrete and test methods. Examples of the results of studies of coating systems based on paints and varnishes of various types of film-forming materials that have been peer-reviewed at the NIIZHB named after A. A. Gvozdev are given, as well as experience in the application of civil engineering facilities to increase the durability of reinforced concrete structures.
Keywords: paint and varnish material, concrete coating, protective paint and varnish coating system, quality indicators.

32 Wood coating market



8 Production of paints and varnishes in January-July 2024
12 Epoxy Resin Market: current situation and trends

9 Six breakthrough trends changing the coating industry

16 Technological sovereignty in the coatings industry, or thoughts about the development strategy—Averyanov G. V.

25 Adsorption of deflocculant IVP-332 (modified copper phthalocyanine) on carbon black samples—Candidate of Chem. Sci. Konichev M. A., Candidate of Chem. Sci. Aristov B. G., Candidate of Chem. Sci. Smrchek V.A., Candidate of Chem. Sci. Kienskaya K. I.
The adsorption of IVP-332 additive in o-xylene, which is a deflocculating agent designed to produce non-aqueous pigment pastes based on carbon black, was studied on samples of carbon black used in the domestic coatings industry.
Various carbon black samples served as adsorbents. Channel carbon black K-354, furnace carbon black P-803 and P-234, as well as carbon black 2429 G.
Keywords: carbon black, isotherm, adsorption, adsorbent, adsorbate, copper phthalocyanine, monolayer, specific surface area, pore, porosity, deflocculant.

31 From insufficient and expensive to affordable and with significant environmental and economic effects: the situation with epilams in Russia— Candidate of Tech. Sci., Associate Prof., Voitovich V. A., Candidate of Tech. Sci, Prof. Khryapchenkova I. N.
The article provides information about epilams — organofluorine surfactants, the use of which as varnishes can significantly increase the durability of coatings formed from traditional paint materials. The reason for writing this article was that, being expensive and insufficient in the recent past, epilams have now become much cheaper and more accessible.
Keywords: epilams, hydrophobicity, anticorrosive coatings.

35 About intensification and energy efficiency of chemical and technological systems in the coatings industry. Part 2. Comprehensive intensification of organizational and technological engineering of business processes at coatings industry enterprises—Candidate of Tech. Sci., Associate Professor Boldyrev V. S., Doctor of Tech. Sci., Professor Menshikov V. V. Candidate of Tech. Sci., Associate Professor Averina Yu. M., Volodin D. V., senior lecturer Tishkin V. V., senior lecturer Zubarev A. M.
The article considers an integrated and systematic approach to the intensification of business process engineering of coatings industry enterprises in the concept of «paint technologies». The methods of increasing the efficiency of the enterprise using expert systems in the implementation of the production cycle according to the block-modular principle and using recycling are described. The application of the described approach in the performance of research and development work is shown.
Keywords: paint technologies, engineering, intensification, chemical technology system, business process.

45 Alkyd resins — serving people for almost one century. Part 1. Review— Candidate of Chem. Sci. Kaverinsky V. S.
History of alkyds. Shares of alkyd coatings in various market segments, evolution of alkyd resins are considered in this article.

6 For the jubilee of SPIRINA T. N.

52 In Memory of Kudryavtsev B. B.


8 The main trends in the development of flame-retardant and heat-resistant coatings market

14 Curbing the Fire

22 Phosphate coatings: spheres of application, properties and mechanism of action — Candidate of Tech. Sci., Associate Prof., Voitovich V. A., Candidate of Tech. Sci, Prof. Khryapchenkova I. N.
The article provides an overview of anticorrosive materials, for which phosphoric and oxy-ethylidene diphosphonic acids are used. The reasons for the growing interest in them are shown, as well as possible circumstances that led to a decrease in the quality of phosphating primers.
Keywords: phosphoric acid, oxylidenediphosphonic acid, phosphates, phosphating primers.

26 Determination of criteria for selection of raw material components for the development of non-removable shop primers — postgraduate student 4th years of study Zelenskaya A. D., Candidate of Tech. Sci., Associate Professor Fediakova N. V., senior lecturer Pavlov A. V.
The work presents studies on determining the effect of pigments and fillers on the performance characteristics of coatings. The main physical and mechanical characteristics of the obtained coatings, as well as the results of welding tests, are given. Some criteria for selecting raw materials (epoxy resins, pigments, fillers) for the possibility of carrying out welding work and ensuring the required properties of conversion coatings are identified.
Keywords: shop primer, non-removable surgical coatings, phosphating shop primers, epoxy oligomers.

46 Development of special polymer materials using technology “core–shell” to improve physical and mechanical properties to coatings, adhesives, mastics and other binders — Sumskiy A. V., Candidate of Chem. Sci. Podshivalov A. V., Doctor of Tech. Sci. Drinberg A. S.
The colloidal chemical principles of the process of obtaining polymer materials by the core–shell method have been studied. The most promising technologies for obtaining such systems are considered. The mechanisms of synthesis of core–shell polymers by emulsion polymerization have been studied. A technology for the synthesis of polymer adhesive-strengthening material has been developed and its quality indicators have been determined. Ways of using new technology for modifying coatings, biting, mastics and other binding materials are outlined in order to improve their performance properties.
Keywords: core-shell particle, emulsion copolymerization, polymer adhesion-strengthening material (PUAM), micelles, insolubility, surfactant, temperature-time graph of synthesis.

32 Study of the influence of thermal and humidity tests on the microstructure of fluoropolyurethane coatings — Candidate of Tech. Sci., Serdcelyubova A. S., Zverevich Yu. K., lead engineer Kurshev E. V., engineer 1nd category Lonskiy S. L.
The article presents the results of a study of the microstructure and topography of the surfaces of fluoropolymer coatings after thermal and humidity tests. The influence of tropical climate conditions, variable exposure to high and low temperatures and a humid environment, exposure to elevated temperatures for a long time, as well as humidity and salt fog on the structure and microrelief of the surface of adhered polymer films is considered. Profilograms of coating areas after various accelerated aging factors are presented.
Keywords: coatings, climatic factors, protective paints and varnishes, fluoropolymers.

39 Compatibility of non-stick welded sprays with coatings — Saigusheva A. S., Tyurin S. V.
The article considers samples of non-stick welded sprays from various manufacturers. The effectiveness of sprays designed to prevent splashes of molten metal from sticking to surfaces undergoing welding is evaluated. Data on the compatibility of non-stick sprays with epoxy paints, phenol-formaldehyde and phosphating primers are presented.
Keywords: weld, non-stick spray, phenol-formaldehyde primer, phosphating primer.

53 About intensification and energy efficiency of chemical and technological systems in the coatings industry. Part 1. Basic concepts and methods of intensification — Candidate of Tech. Sci., Associate Professor Boldyrev V. S., Doctor of Tech. Sci., Professor Menshikov V. V. Candidate of Tech. Sci., Associate Professor Averina Yu. M., Volodin D. V., senior lecturer Tishkin V. V., senior lecturer Zubarev A. M.
The presented work provides a comprehensive analysis of methods and means of intensification of chemical and technological systems of the coatings industry. The ways of increasing the energy resource efficiency of chemical technology systems in the implementation of engineering and reengineering in the concept of paint technologies are considered. The application of the principles of intensification of chemical and technological systems at operating enterprises is shown.
Keywords: paint technologies, intensification, chemical and technological system, energy resource efficiency, coatings.

6 A large-scale event in autumn 2024
16 Reliable protection to nuclear power facilities — Andrutskaya O. M.


7 What is known about the additives market? Volumes and growth prospects

10 Homapur polyurethane thickeners in formulations of aqueous paints and varnishes — Leshina M. N.
19 Assortment of special additives for the production of paints and varnishes from the Indlak company — Candidate of Chem. Sci. Konichev M. A.
34 Silica gel antiseptic filler for water-dispersion paints — Prof. Dyachenko A. N., Candidate of Chem. Sci. Dyachenko E. N.
A new fluoroammonium method for producing silica filler for water-dispersion paints has been studied. The initial raw materials for production can be natural silica, sand, quartz, and other minerals with a high (>90%) silicon oxide content. Batches of precipitated silicon oxide with different moisture content and residual content of fluorine ion in the form of ammonium hexafluorosilicate, which is a good antiseptic, were experimentally obtained.
Keywords: silicon dioxide, silica gel, aerosil, ammonium fluoride.

40 Concrete products, especially «new» ones, also ask for protection with coatings — Candidate of Tech. Sci., Associate Prof., Voitovich V. A., Candidate of Tech. Sci, Prof. Khryapchenkova I. N.
The article provides information about the need to protect hardening concrete from water loss with coatings. Currently, their range is small, the quality is insufficient. Better representatives of them are required. An overview of the currently used materials and a recommendation for their improvement are given.
Keywords: concrete, hardening, prevention of water loss, coatings.

14 Current issues of standardization in the sub—sectors of the chemical industry — Candidate of Chem. Sci, Associate Professor Nevmatullina H. A., Trofimova A. Yu., Minakova V. V.

26 Once again about water in paints and varnishes. Part 2 — Candidate of Chem. Sci Kaverinsky V. S., Candidate of Tech. Sci Indeykina A. E., Prof. Indeykin E. A.
49 Influence of mineral fillers on the properties of photocurable compositions — Tikhomirova A. O., Candidate of Chem. Sci. Kostitsyn A. V., Bespokoev A. S., Prof. Indeykin E. A.
A study of the influence of mineral fillers on the curing process of UV- compositions was carried out. Data on the kinetics of UV- curing were obtained based on dynamic-mechanical analysis and DSC photos. The density of cross-links for the studied compositions was calculated. The influence of the photoinitiator on the curing process with various fillers has been established.
Keywords: nepheline syenite, microtalc, UV- curing, fillers, thermal effect, cross-link density, absorption spectra, unsaturated polyester.

44 Current trends in industrial coating technologies discussed in Novosibirsk — Andrutskaya O. M.

6 In memory Gershanova E. L.

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8 Anticorrosive Coatings Market: growth factors

12 Conventional and core pigment: technical characteristics and anti-corrosion performance — Suchkov V. S., Doctor of Chem. Sci., Prof. Stepin S. N., Associate Prof., Candidate of Tech. Sci. Sorokov A. V., Vengilevskikh P. V., Gataullina Ch. V.
The properties of traditional anticorrosive pigment magnesium manganate and its core analog obtained using talc as a particle nucleus are compared. Advantages and disadvantages of these types of pigments are noted.
Keywords: core pigments, anticorrosive protection, grinding, corrosion currents.

22 Industrial epoxy coatings for special purpose in terms of import substitution — Saigusheva A. S., Tyurin S. V.
In the article reviewed domestic industrial epoxy coatings. The properties of epoxy coatings from various domestic manufacturers are characterized. The technological indicators of the application of domestic coatings in comparison with the coatings of Jotun Paints LLC are presented.
Keywords: epoxy coatings, anticorrosive protection, special purpose coatings.

35 To restore lost positions. The effect of a composition with polyvinyl acetate dispersion on zinc corrosion. Part 7 — Candidate of Tech. Sci., Associate Prof. Voitovich V. A., Candidate of Tech. Sci., Prof. Khryapchenkova I. N.
The article presents experimental data obtained in the study of corrosion protection by coatings made from a mixture of plasticized polyvinyl acetate dispersion with phosphoric and hydroxyethylidene diphosphonic acids, corrosion inhibitors, ethyl silicate-32, surfactant OP-7.
Keywords: zinc corrosion, polyvinyl acetate dispersion, phosphoric and hydroxyethylidene diphosphonic acid, ethyl silicate-32, corrosion inhibitors, PVA OP-7.

16 Obtaining iron oxide pigments by grinding of iron-containing waste from metallurgical production — Kudryavtsev Ya. V., Candidate of Chem. Sci. Tereshko A. E.
The aim of the work is to investigate the possibility of obtaining an iron oxide pigment from the waste containing iron oxide of the metallurgical production of PJSC Severstal.
The possibility of dispersing waste from metallurgical production containing iron oxide in various media has been determined. The pigment properties of the dispersion products have been investigated. It is shown that the product obtained by dispersion of iron oxide in a liquid glass medium has the best pigment properties. Recommendations on the use of the resulting product are given and the possibility of using it in coatings is shown.
Keywords: pigment, iron oxide, waste, dispersion, pigment properties, sedimentation analysis.

29 Pigments based on glauconite sandstones of the changi deposit for industrial paint and varnish materials — Candidate of Tech. Sci., Shinkareva E. V., Researcher Simash N. A., Candidate of Tech. Sci., Senior Researcher, Yakubov S. I., Candidate of Tech. Sci., Senior Researcher, Mirzaev A. Zh.
Sieve analyzes of glauconite sandstones from the Changi deposit are considered. Microphotographs of initial and heat-treated glauconite in the temperature range 400–1000 °C are presented. The possibility of obtaining colored pigments of an expanded color palette by modifying glauconite raw materials with appropriate additives has been studied.
Keywords: glauconite from the Changi deposit, granulometric composition, microphotography, pigments.

38 Special coatings. Absorption-reflectivity ability — Candidate of Chem. Sci. Kaverinsky V. S.

41 Interlakokraska-2024: features and nuances

48 In memory of A. S. Reznichenko

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6 To the 60th anniversary of Drinberg A. S.

10 Problems of pigment dispersion and their solution — Candidate of Chem. Sci. Kaverinsky V. S.

18 I like the tremendous of our plans…

20 Decorative coatings based on coloured epoxy oligomers — Doctor of Chem. Sci., Prof. Mognonov D. M., Doctor of Tech. Sci., Prof. Zayakhanov M. E., Associate Prof. Mangadaev A.M., Candidate of Tech. Sci., Associate Prof.Dorzhieva E. V. Candidate of Tech. Sci., Associate Prof. Balkhanova E. D.
Colored synthetic resins obtained by grinding resin and pigments (dyes) in ball mills have low light resistance and are characterized by migration of pigment to the surface. To obtain them, a large amount of pigment (dye) is required. Much better performance is typical for structurally colored resins in which the dye or pigment is chemically bonded to the polymer macromolecule. In this paper, the possibility of obtaining colored decorative paints based on structurally colored binders, which were obtained by joint polycondensation of diphenylolpropane, epichlorohydrin and small amounts (0.1–0.5% by weight) of glycidyl esters of 1-aminoanthraquinone (GEAA) or diglycidyl ether of 1.5-diaminoanthraquinone (DGEAA), is considered.
Glycidyl esters of aminoanthraquinone (GEAA and DGEAA) were synthesized by the N-alkylation of 1-aminoanthraquinone or 1.5-diaminoanthraquinone with epichlorohydrin.
The resulting structurally colored oligomers are viscous liquids with a molecular weight from 400 to 700 (cryoscopy in benzene), colored from orange to red.
Structurally colored epoxy oligomers are characterized by intense coloring, high light resistance while maintaining good mechanical properties.
Keywords: UV curing, radiation polymerization, acrylic urethane film-forming materials, monomers, photoinitiators.

26 Modifying wax additives for coatings

28 Promising directions of research and development the technology of synthesis of acrylurethane film-forming materials for UV curing —
Dunaev V. M., Doctor of Tech. Sci., Prof. Drinberg A. S., Doctor of Tech. Sci. Uspenskaya M. V.
Current trends in the development and application of UV-curable acrylic urethane film-forming materials are summarized. Examples of the most promising technologies for producing coatings using radiation polymerization are given. Technical solutions and technologies for using new photoinitiators and monomers to improve the protective and physical-mechanical characteristics of UV-curable acrylic urethane film-forming coatings are presented.
Keywords: UV curing, radiation polymerization, acrylic urethane film-forming materials, monomers, photoinitiators.

47 New technology for producing film-forming materials based on epoxidized butadiene oligomers — Solodyazhnikov A. S., Doctor of Tech. Sci., Prof. Drinberg A. S.
The chemical principles of the epoxidation process of various oligomers and polymers have been studied. The most promising technologies for producing film formers by epoxidation are considered. Examples of the use of catalytic complexes for this process are translated. The mechanisms for improving the physical and mechanical properties of epoxy film formers have been studied. Ways to develop a new technology for the epoxidation of diene resins are outlined.
Keywords: epoxidation, butadiene oligomers, catalytic metal complexes, hydroperoxides.

53 Development of an interoperable zinc-containing primer based on high molecular weight epoxy resins — Postgraduate student Zelenskaya A. D., Candidate of Tech. Sci., Associate Prof. Fediakova N. V., senior lecturer Pavlov A. V., master of science Elesin E. V.
The work presents the full cycle of development of an interoperable zinc-containing primer based on two epoxy resins with different molecular weights: from selecting components to determining the properties of the formed coatings. The main physical and mechanical properties of the resulting coatings are presented, as well as the results of welding tests.
Keywords: shop primer, non-removable surgical coatings, zinc-protective shop primers, epoxy oligomers.

32 Adsorption of oligomers with different functional groups from solutions in xylene on carbon black samples — Candidate of Chem. Sci. Konishchev M. A., Candidate of Chem. Sci. Aristov B. G., Candidate of Chem. Sci. Smrchek V. A., Candidate of Chem. Sci. Kienskaya K. I.
The adsorption from solutions in xylene of special additives containing different functional groups - acidic, basic and quaternary ammonium - was studied on carbon black samples used in the domestic coatings industry. It was found that in the case of carbon black, adsorption is due only to dispersion interactions. In the case of microporous samples, the adsorption value of additives is several times greater. It is shown. that the filling of micropores begins already in the region of low concentrations by volumetric filling without capillary condensation and the plateau on the isotherms corresponds to the completion of this process. The maximum value of adsorption is determined by the available volume of the porous space of the sorbent.
Keywords: carbon black, functional group, isotherm, adsorption, monolayer, acidic additive, basic additive, porosity, mesoporous carbon black, microporous carbon black, micropore, capillary condensation.

41 The return of traditions — Andrutskaya O. M.

63 In memory of Kuleshova I. D.
63 In memory of Pavlovich A. V.

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10 Industrial cooperation of JSC Roskhim

12 Once more about water in coatings (review) — Candidate of Chem. Sci. Kaverinsky V. S., Candidate of Tech. Sci. Indeykina A. E., Prof. Indeykin E. A.
32 Intumescent coatings for fire protection of lithium-ion batteries — Candidate of Military Sci. Savelyev D. V., Doctor of Tech. Sci. Drinberg A. S., Candidate of Chem. Sci. Pavlovich A. V., Doctor of Tech. Sci. Zybina O. A.
The combustion mechanism of lithium-ion batteries (LIB) has been studied. Research on the development of fire-intumescent coatings to protect LIB from fire is reviewed. Еstablished that the most effective means of fighting fire in LIA is the combination of fireproofing agents with non-flammable ballistic fabrics has been. revealed that to create an ORP to protect LIBs, paint and varnish compositions based on intercalated graphite and vinyl alkyds should be used has been.
Keywords: lithium-ion battery (LIB), intumescent coatings, thermal runaway, ballistic fabric, foam coke, jet fire, intercalated graphite, vinyl alkyd.

17 Silver — for electronics, electrical engineers, jewelers, but not to the coatings producers — Candidate of Tech. Sci., Associate Professor, Voitovich V. A., Candidate of Tech. Sci., Prof. Khryapchenkova I. N.
The article argues that silver, as a biocide, cannot be used to protect water-based coatings from biological damage, because being in nature, their waste will disrupt the microbiological balance in natural ecosystems. More environmentally friendly biocides have been proposed to protect water-based paints from bio-contamination.
Keywords: silver, biocides, bioimages, quaternary ammonium compounds, polyvinyl acetate dispersion.

20 More good and necessary dispersions

22 Activity of mono- and dizirconyl carboxylates in the presence of cobalt and manganese dryers in the curing of alkyd binders — Sotnikov A.V., Candidate of Chem. Sci. Stoyanov V.M., Doctor of Tech. Sci. Prof. Savostyanov A.P.
The activity of zirconyl and dizirconyl carboxylates as dryers in combination with cobalt and manganese in the most common types of alkyd binders – fatty alkyd varnish, alkyd-urethane and alkyd-styrene lacquers, was studied.
In this purpose, 2-ethylhexanoates of zirconyl and dizirconyl were put in various ratios with primary dryers (2-ethylhexanoates of cobalt and manganese) into varnishes and applied to a glass substrate. Then the drying time and the rate of hardness gain of the obtained films were measured.
It was found out that for all types of binders, the activity of zirconium dryer depends only on the amount of metal introduced into the varnish and, in the case of using 2-ethylhexanoates of zirconyl and dizirconyl, does not depend on the type of zirconium compound used. The optimal molar ratios of cobalt with zirconium (1:2) and manganese with zirconium (1:1) have also been identified, which allow to obtain the maximum drying rate and a set of hardness of alkyd binders.
Keywords: dryers, carboxylates of zirconyl and dicirconyl, 2-ethylhexanoate of cobalt.

37 Design management and operation of the lines for the production and application of powder paints — Candidate of Tech. Sci., Associate Professor Boldyrev V. S., Doctor of Tech. Sci., Prof. Menshikov V. V., Tishkin V. V., Candidate of Tech. Sci., Associate Prof. Nevmjatullina H. A., Zubarev A. M., Volodin D. V.
The article discusses the possibilities of using innovative methods for the design and development of powder paint production lines. The problem of choosing software for searching and identifying problem areas of the line for subsequent effective solution of the found shortcomings has been solved. The features of the production of epoxy powder paints and the development of production lines for the paint and varnish industry were studied. Using the AutoCAD software environment, a project was created to modify and reengineer a section of the production line for producing and applying powder paints.
Keywords: paint technologies, chemical-technological system, production organization, computer-aided design, epoxy paints, powder coatings, production lines, engineering.

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18 Saturated polyester resins used in coating formulations — Dr. Cemil Dizman, Levent Babayiğit

21 Special paints and coatings. Materials that change color — Candidate of Chem. Sci. Kaverinsky V. S.

24 Immersion in color

28 Equipment for grinding and liquid crushing of YOKES MAKINA company at the Interlakokraska-2024 exhibition

30 Protection of the inner surface of tubing and field pipelines using anticorrosive coatings — Buziner Yu. L., Shmakov N. N.

34 From rust converters to primer converters of corrosion products. Part 6. Restore lost positions — Candidate of Tech. Sci. Voitovich V. A., Candidate of Tech. Sci. Khryapchenkova I. N., Candidate of Chem. Sci. Chelysheva S. F.
The article presents the results of experiments to study the effects of a mixture of phosphoric acid with hydroxyethylidene diphosphonic acid on rust and recrement. It has been found that it dissolves both of these iron corrosion products. Based on the results obtained, a primer converter of corrosion products has been developed, the film-forming agent of which is plasticized polyvinyl acetate dispersion.
Keywords: scale, rust, phosphoric acid, hydroxyethylidene diphosphonic acid, polyvinyl acetate dispersion, primer converter of corrosion products.

38 Conversion of powder coating waste into solvent-based polymer paints — Izmaylov Valeriy
The work proposed a novel approach for creating solvent-based polymer paints from powder coating waste. Polymer paints were created by dissolving powder coating waste with a complex solvent and adding a crosslinking agent — aliphatic polyisocyanate. The final product has been tested for quality control.
Keywords: powder coating waste, polymer paints.

41 Fullscale testing of special underwater antifouling Exidis® enamel on the Prirazlomnaya offshore platform — Cherkashina V. G., Ivanova A. M., Sharipov T. Z., Drinberg A. A., Ezerina M. M., Ageeva A. A., Candidate of Tech. Sci. Petrov S. K., Doctor of Tech. Sci. Drinberg A. S.
Underwater fullscale tests of the special underwater antifouling Exidis enamel out in thePechersk Sea were carried. The enamel does not contain organic solvents and cuprous oxide. Theenamel has a water displacement effect, antifouling and anti-corrosion properties. The compositioncontains environmentally valuable biocides that do not contain metal ions. Exidis enamel can be used asan antifouling material in the conditions of the Far North, Arctic and Antarctic has been established.
Keywords: antifouling, water displacement, biocides, metal ions, anticorrosion properties, offshoreiceresistant stationary platform, remotely controlled uninhabited underwater vehicle.

45 Personnel: do the companies of the industry need them? — Averyanov G. V., Kobulashvili N. G.

51 Fire protection epoxy coatings for steel structures: influence of different temperature effects — Candidate of Tech. Sci. Gravit M. V., Shabunina D. E., Shcheglov N. E.
Various systems of flame retardant coatings are used to protect metal structures of platforms and rack structures of oil and gas facilities from low (in case of cryogenic liquids spill) and high temperatures (in case of possible development of hydrocarbon fire regime). The article presents the results of tests of fireproof coatings on epoxy binder after modeling of liquefied hydrocarbons spill
and subsequent development of hydrocarbon fire regime. Experimental data for epoxy coatings undera standard fire regime are also presented. By solving the inverse heat conduction problem using finite element modeling it was possible to determine the thermophysical properties of the formed foam coke at the end of fire tests of metal structures with epoxy coatings. The average thickness of the epoxy coating
to achieve fire protection efficiency of 120 min and the consumption of the coating for hydrocarbon fire mode compared to the consumption in the standard mode were determined. Nomograms of dependence of the time of reaching the critical temperature on the volume coefficient at standard and hydrocarbon fire modes, at different thickness of the dry layer of epoxy coating are constructed.
Keywords: oil and gas complex, steel structure, epoxy coatings, fire resistance limit, fire protection, hydrocarbon and standard fire regimes, intumescent coating, cryogenic exposure.

8 Anniversary of Menshikov V. V.

49 Features of the exhibition «Interlakokraska-2024»


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10 Organosilicon (silicone) resins from DENGE KIMYA — Denisova O. V., Şentürk Elif, Göktürk Hakan
19 Research of influence of element structure of oligoorganosilazanes on properties of paint coatings based on varnish KO-08 — Doctor of Tech. Sci. Kondrashov E. K., Kozlova A. A.
In article test results of coatings on the basis of the organic silicon varnish modified by organosilazanes are provided. Influence of the different elements entered into structure of the modifying additive on basis oligorganosilazanes, on properties of coatings is shown.
Keywords: organosilicon coating, stabilizer, oligoorganosilazane, heat-resistant coating, petrol resistance, adhesion.

25 Russian «base coat/clear coat» coating system for painting the external surface of aircraft — Candidate of Tech. Sci. Serdcelyubova A. S., Zverevich Yu. K., Candidate of Tech. Sci. Merculova Yu. I.
The article is devoted to the developed domestic system of coatings «base coat/clear coat» type, intended for protective and decorative painting of the external surface of aircraft. The system includes base enamel of the VE-84 trademark in a wide range of colors and weather-resistant varnish of the VL-25 trademark for the outer layer, which has high resistance to UV radiation, the ability to maintain gloss for a long time and provides protection of coatings from color changes. The article presents the results of accelerated corrosion and climatic tests, dielectric, physical-mechanical and operational indicators.
Keywords: coatings, exterior painting, corrosion protection, weather-resistant coatings, aviation paints and varnishes.

14 The market of resins for coatings

18 Zinc Phosphate RN-ZnP 20

35 The Chemistry exhibition is breaking records!
40 An industry event that cannot be missed

42 Polyaniline — component of anticorrosive paints and coatings — Prof., Stepin S. N., Vengilevskich P. N.
The characteristics of aniline polymerization product from the point of view of its use as an inhibiting component of paint and varnish coatings are considered. The influence of doping and synergic combinations with other inhibitors on realization of anticorrosion potential of polyaniline is noted. The prospects of application of nanosized core polyaniline pigments are pointed out. of accelerated corrosion and climatic tests, dielectric, physical-mechanical and operational indicators.
Keywords: polyaniline, doping, core pigments, anticorrosive coatings.

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11 Corrosion under thermal insulation and features of assessing the protective properties of coatings: a review of techniques — Gavrilets R. B.

18 What will the coatings industry looks like in 2050?

20 Restore lost positions. Part 5. Cement-polyvinyl acetate paints — Candidate of Tech. Sci., Associate Professor Voitovich V. A., Candidate of Tech. Sci., Professor Khryapchenkova I. N.

24 New generation composite coating system: nanocoating
28 Study of nanotitanium-modified phenolic resin and corrosion resistance of coatings based on it
32 Comparative analysis of the characteristics of aqueous materials with nanobiocides for wood treatment

10 Congratulations with the anniversary!

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10 Important events in the coatings industry in 2023
14 Restructuring of Russian business standards — Andrutskaya O. M.

18 Effect of acrylic film-forming on properties of organosilicon lacquers coatings — Kirillov A. A., Candidate of Chem. Sci. Kuz’min M. V., Doctor of Chem. Sci. Kol’tsov N. I.
The effect of copolymers of methyl methacrylate and butyl methacrylate Degalan LP 65/12, Dianal MB 7497 and Dacril SP 652 as an acrylic film on the properties of heat-resistant lacquer coatings based on polymethylphenylsiloxane resin was investigated. The density, viscosity, molecular weight distribution of varnish compositions, as well as the mechanical properties of coatings based on them have been identified: tensile strength, elongation, hardness and elastic modulus. The ratios of acrylic film-forming agents and polymethylphenylsiloxane resin were established at which coatings with optimal properties were obtained.
Keywords: acrylic film-forming agents, copolymers of methyl methacrylate and butyl methacrylate, polymethylphenylsiloxane resin, varnish coatings, elastic-strength properties, gel permeation chromatography, molecular weight distribution.

37 Utilization of the powder coating waste in the production of concrete mixes — Izmaylov V. Т.
The lab researches have completed for usage of powder coating waste as a plasticizer in concrete mixtures and as pigments for volumetric coloring of silicate bricks.
The test results discovered the plasticizing activity of the powder coating waste additive in the concrete mixture. Also detected the low efficiency of using powder coating waste as pigment materials in bulk coloring of silicate bricks.
Keywords: powder coatings, powder coating waste, concrete mixes, building mortars.

40 Coatings based on water-soluble polyesters — Doctor of Tech. Sci., Prof. Mognonov D. M., Doctor of Tech. Sci., Prof. Zayakhanov M. E., Candidate of Tech. Sci., associate professor Dorzhieva E. V., Candidate of Tech. Sci., associate professor Balkhanova E. D., Mangadaev A. M.
The article considers the production of paint and varnish materials based on water-soluble polyesters. Unsaturated and saturated water-soluble polyesters were obtained by the polycondensation reaction in the melt of diols, dicarboxylic acids or their anhydrites and the sodium salt propane hydrochlorohydrin sulfonic acid. The structure of the obtained polymers is confirmed by the data of elemental analysis and IR spectroscopy. Paint coatings with good physical and mechanical properties were obtained on the basis of unsaturated polyesters.
Keywords: water-soluble polyesters, sodium salt of propane hydrochlorohydrin sulfonic acids, saturated polyesters, unsaturated polyesters.

24 Unique coatings and 300 years of the live voice of Stradivarius violins — Candidate of Tech. Sci. Kaverinsky V. S.

27 Methods for reducing costs in engineering and Re-engineering low-volume paint production — Candidate of Tech. Sci., Associate professor Boldyrev V. S., Doctor of Tech. Sci., Professor Men’shikov V. V., researcher Savina A. S., engineer Zotkin A. P., researcher Bogatov N. A., Senior lecturer Tishkin V. V.
The presented work examines in detail the use of the developed expert system for selecting cost-effective technologies and production equipment in the engineering and reengineering of enterprises in the paint and varnish industry. Methods for reducing economic and energy costs when carrying out complex engineering of small-tonnage chemical-technological systems for paint and varnish production are presented. The use of reactors with induction heating is considered, with the possibility of reducing time and operating costs.
Keywords: paint technologies, low-tonnage chemistry, engineering, chemical-technological system, organization of production, synthesis reactors.

44 ISO 22899-1 Standard. Determination of the resistance of passive protection materials to the action of a fire jet. Part 10 — Doctor of Tech. Sci. Drinberg A. S., Candidate of Military Sci. Savelyev D. V., Candidate of Chem. Sci. Pavlovich A. V., Vrublevsky C. B. Doctor of Tech. Sci. Zybina O.A., Mamonov A. I.
The international standard ISO 22899-1, which makes it possible to determine the fire resistance of passive protection materials in a jet fire is considered. Test requires a gas flow rate in the nozzle of 0,3 kg/s at a pressure of 2,3 bar been established. The temperature of the resulting flame can reach 1400 °C
with the formation of a fireball. The types of tested fire-fighting materials facing materials, intumescent coatings, components and structures are indicated. The types of tests by this method: external and internal configuration of the installation are considered.
Keywords: fire jet, jet nozzle, temperature regime, fireball, intumescent coatings, coating erosion.

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10 DENSURF DA 4010 is your right choice for carbon black grinding — Denisova O. V., Aylin Aydemir, Hüseyin Eren
24 Restore lost positions. Part 4. Three in one: coalescer, elastifier for polyvinyl acetate dispersion, reinforce of products from it — Candidate of Tech. Sci. Voitovich V. A., Candidate of Tech. Sci., Khryapchenkova I. N.
The article provides information that ethyl silicate-32 performs in polyvinyl acetate dispersion the function of a coalescent during film formation, an elasticizer during the operation of products, as well as a substance that increases strength.
Keywords: coalescence, polyvinyl acetate dispersion, ethyl silicate-32, elastification, strengthing.

45 Typical aspects of formulating solvent based coatings for general industrial use — Candidate of Tech. Sci., Fedyakova N. V., Bokrenev Yu. A., Pavlov A. V., Zelenskaya A. D.
The paper considers the basic rules for formulating solvent based coatings for general industrial purposes. The classification of recipes is given. Using the combined method, the formulation of uralkid enamel of the business category was calculated. A computer program for calculating the formulations of solvent based coatings for general industrial purposes has been developed.
Keywords: recipe building identifiers, recipe cycle, degree of pigmentation, filling constant, program for calculating formulations of coatings.

15 Compete on equal terms

20 Polyaspartic resins and their coating applications — Dr. Cemil Dizman, M.Sc. Semiha Eral
29 Adsorption of oligomers with various functional groups from solutions in xylene on titanium dioxide samples used in the domestic coatings industry — Candidate of Chem. Sci. Konichev M. A., Candidate of Chem. Sci. Aristov B. G., Candidate of Chem. Sci. Smrchek V. A., Candidate of Chem. Sci. Kienskaya K. I., Doctor of Chem. Sci. Perevalov V. P.
The adsorption of special additives containing different functional groups: acidic, alkaline and quaternary ammonium — from solutions in xylene was studied on samples of titanium dioxide used in the domestic coatings industry. The areas occupied by additive molecules in a dense monolayer on the TiO2 surface are calculated. It is shown that the maximum values of adsorption are observed in the case of an additive having a basic character, and the minimum values in the case of a quaternary amine. The largest value of the main additive is explained by the presence of modifiers in TiO2 samples — oxides of amphoteric metals (Al2O3, SiO2, ZrO2) capable of showing acid-base properties. In this case, simultaneously with the physical adsorption of the solute, chemoadsorption takes place due to strong Lewis acid centers. The smaller value of the acidic additive indicates both weak chemisorption due to weaker main centers, and a weakening of physical adsorption due to the displacement of the additive from the surface of TiO2 by solvent molecules. In the case of quaternary amine, chemisorption is absent and only physical adsorption is observed, weakened by competing solvent adsorption, the value of which is almost the same for all TiO2 samples. The largest amount of adsorption of basic and acidic additives is observed in the case of TiO2 samples obtained by the chloride method. In relation to the main additive, TiO2 samples of the following brands show the greatest activity: R-706, R-966, R-280, R-902, BLR-699.
Keywords: functional group, titanium dioxide, adsorption, monolayer, acidic additive, alkaline additive, aluminum, silicon, zirconium oxides, aluminosilicates, acid-base properties, Lewis and Brensted acid centers, chemisorption.

37 UL-263 standard. Safety standard for testing building structures and materials for fire resistance. Part 9 — Doctor of Tech. Sci. Drinberg A. S., Candidate of Military Sci. Savelyev D. V., Candidate of Chem. Sci. Pavlovich A. V., Mamonov A. I.
The American standard UL-263 for testing building structures and materials for fire resistance is considered. The temperature-time curves of various fire regimes are shown. Special equipment that allows you to test materials under preload was studied. The parameters for which this method is tested are shown. Additional tests of fire-resistant materials with subsequent exposure to a water jet of a fire nozzle are described.
Keywords: temperature regimes of fires, intumescent materials, test furnace, deformation load, water jet impact.

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10 One for all

12 Modern approach to fire protection of metal structures — Nateikina L. I., Shikhaliev E. A.
46 Technology for obtaining solvent for technical purposes from gas condensate by rectification and investigation of its properties —
Candidate of Tech. Sci., Samukov T. I.
The physicochemical properties of natural gas condensate (GC) have been investigated in order to obtain new competitive solvents with improved quality properties for technical purposes as well as for the production of arenes. The technology of production has been developed and the optimal technological mode of the process of rectification and product development has been determined. A new type of solvents from the new GC raw materials were tested in the production laboratory for quality compliance according to the standards.
Keywords: nefras, aromatic hydrocarbons, crude oil rectification device, gas condensate.

16 Top coatings from Prime Top company: how innovative coatings for metal packaging are produced in Russia

19 Domestic nitrile-butadiene rubber as an additive in formulations of paint and varnish materials — Pavlov A. V., Zelenskaya A. D., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Fediakova N. V., Zakharov P. D., Khakimova A. I.
The study of the use of domestic nitrile-butadiene rubber of the brand NBR 1845 as a modifier of commercially available paints and varnishes ГФ-021 and XB-0278. The maximum concentration of rubber NBR 1845 was found with a minimum viscosity of the solution in xylene. The stability of modified paint and varnish materials has been tested. The characteristics of the obtained paint coatings were determined in comparison with unmodified coatings.
Keywords: nitrile-butadiene rubber, modification of paint and varnish materials, alkyds.

24 Restore lost positions. Part 3. Increasing the water resistance of products made of polyvinyl acetate dispersion — Candidate of Tech. Sci., Associate Professor Voitovich V. A., Candidate of Tech. Sci., Professor Khryapchenkova I. N.
The article presents experimental data obtained in the study of such indicators of water resistance as capillary suction, water and vapor permeability, softening coefficient, adhesive strength.
Keywords: polyvinyl acetate dispersion, ethyl silicate-32, water resistance, water absorption by different mechanisms.

34 Heat resistance of organosilicate coatings OS-51-03 from different manufacturers: а сomparative study — Krasilnikova L. N., Candidate of Physico-Mathematical Sci. Alekseev V. A., Doctor of Chem. Sci. Prof. Shilova O. A.
Heat resistance of coatings from organosilicate compositions (OSC) OS-51-03 of cold and hot curing from different manufacturers, including two OSC from commercial manufacturers and an OSC developed and manufactured in Institute of Silicate Chemistry (OSC-ISC), is studied. The heat treatment (H/T) of the samples included heating at a rate of 3 °C/min to T=300 °C and exposure at this temperature for 5 hours. To assess the heat resistance, the properties of the coatings before and after heat treatment are compared. It is shown that H/T of coatings from commercial OSC leads to color changes and significant deterioration of their hardness and abrasion resistance. At the same time, H/T has no significant effect on the color and strength characteristics of OSC-ISC coatings. Despite a significant deterioration in the strength characteristics of coatings from commercial OSC, which is probably due to the thermal decomposition of the binding component of OSC, the values of the specific volume resistance of coatings from commercial OSC and OSC-IHS are of the same order of magnitude both in the initial state and after H/T.
Keywords: heat resistance, organosilicate compositions, organosilicon varnishes.

40 Ul-1709 standard. Tests of flame-retardant materials for structural steel for rapid fire exposure (imitation of a hydrocarbon fire), Part 8 — Doctor of Tech. Sci. Drinberg A. S., Candidate of Military Sci. Savelyev D. V., Candidate of Chem. Sci. Pavlovich A. V., Mamonov A. I.

52 Engineering of high-intensive chemical-technological systems of paint and varnish production -Doctor of Tech. Sci., Professor Dorokhov I. N., Doctor of Tech. Sci., Professor Men’shikov V. V., Candidate of Tech. Sci., Associate professor Boldyrev V. S., Savina A. S., Zotkin A. P.,
Bogatov N. A., Tishkin V. V.
The presented work presents a technique developed by the authors for engineering chemical-technological systems, based on elements of mathematical modeling and system analysis. The described approach makes it possible to optimally and efficiently carry out engineering, as well as reengineering of high-intensity paint and varnish industries, which is confirmed by its application at the objects of the paint and varnish industry.
Keywords: chemical-technological system, engineering, system analysis, organization of production, intensification.

30 Modern requirements for organosilicate coatings discussed in St. Petersburg — Andrutskaya O. M.


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10 Current trends in research and the development of fire-resistant coatings — Candidate of Chem. Sci. Pavlovich A. V., Candidate of Military Sci. Savelyev D. V., Doctor of Tech. Sci. Drinberg A. S., Candidate of Pedagogical Sci. Danilova T. V., Mamonov A. I.
21 Modification of talc alkyd emulsions and its effect on the properties of coatings during curing — Candidate of Tech. Sci. Shinkareva E. V., Semash N. A.
32 Epoxy composition for interplate joints — Candidate of Tech. Sci. Fedyakova N. V., Candidate of Tech. Sci. Nesterova A. G., Pavlov A. V., Arincheva D. A., Kozhukharov M. S., Khakimova A. I.

17 Why are we burning?.. — Nateikina L. I.

26 Instead of bead mills vortex layer apparatuses: Ahead of import — Candidate of Tech. Sci. Voitovich V. A., Candidate of Tech. Sci. Khryapchenkova I. N., Kart M. A., Seregin S. A.

40 Study of the influence of the composition of the dispersed phase on the properties of protective coatings — Candidate of Tech. Sci. Serdcelyubova A. S., Kurshev E. V., Lonskii S. L., Zverevich Yu. K.
53 Corrosion inhibitor pigments: progress and development prospects — Prof. Stepin S. N., Suchkov V. S., Candidate Tech. Sci. Davydova M. S., Candidate Tech. Sci. Kusnezova O. P.

47 Questions of theory and practice in design: new domestic materials and technologies — Candidate of Tech. Sci. Babkina L. A., Cadidate of Juridical Sci. Ivantsov P. P., Candidate of Tech. Sci. Il’ina V. V.

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10 Mills of new generation

12 Technology and modern market of UV-materials — Petrov N. S.

20 And water-dispersion coatings will be called revolutionary — Candidate of Tech. Sci., Associate Professor Voitovich V. A., Candidate of Tech. Sci., Professor Khryapchenkova I. N.
The article states that polymer dispersions, provided they are modified with special functional additives, can be used for the manufacture of industrial paint and varnish materials. Examples of such paints manufactured in our country are given, the effectiveness of using ethyl silicates as functional additives is shown.
Keywords: industrial water-based coatings, rust converter primers.

28 Regulation of prorerties of UV-curable compositions — Antipova E. A., Korotkova N. P., Spiridonova A. I.
Regulation of the technological and physico-mechanical properties of UV-curable compositions by changing the ratio of oligomers, as well as their structure, has been studied. The possibility of replacing unsaturated monomers in the composition with active diluents, epoxyacrylates based on low-viscosity glycidyl ethers, has been shown. A range of raw materials for UV-curable compositions produced by the Science Development Production Company MACROMER in the name of V.S. Lebedev has been presented.
Keywords: oligourethane(meth)acrylates, epoxyacrylates, active diluents, UV-curable compositions.

25 «RUSSIAN PAINTS»: strength in traditions and innovations!

34 Powder paints based on epoxy binders — Doctor of Tech. Sci, Prof. Mognonov D. M., Doctor of Tech. Sci, Prof. Zayakhanov M. E., Doctor of Tech. Sci, Prof. Buyantuev S.L., Candidate of Tech. Sci, associate professor Balkhanova E. D.
The article considers the production of structurally-colored epoxy binders for powder coatings, the performance of which is improved by fusing epoxy resins with pigments or dyes capable of forming chemical bonds with the resin during the curing process. Based on an epoxy powder composition synthesized by the joint polycondensation of diphenylolpropane, epichlorohydrin using polyglycidyl esters of aminoanthraquinones as a colorant, powder paints have been obtained that give glossy, homogeneous coatings with good decorative properties and can be used in various industries.
Keywords: powder paints, decorative properties, diphenylolpropane, epichlorohydrin.

38 Method of analysis of paint and varnish materials — Maltsev S. S., Petrosyan G. O.

47 Photo-curable varnishes for glass design and restoration — Doctor of Tech. Sci., Professor Babkin O. E., Associate Professor Babkina L. A., Associate Professor Il’ina V. V.
The article presents the results of research in the field of creating photo-curable varnishes, promising in the design and restoration of glass, mirrors, mosaics, stained-glass windows, as well as when working with historical objects containing elements made of glass.
Keywords: photo-curable varnishes, restorative and protective paints and varnishes coatings, glass, design.

41 Training in the arctic zone of Russia «Safe Arctic — 2023» — Candidate of Tech. Sci. Saveliev D. V., Doctor of Tech. Sci. Drinberg A. S., Doctor of Tech. Sci. Zybina O. A., Zavodskov G. N., Danilova T. V., Cherkashina V. G., Ivanova A. M.

44 INTERLAKOKRASKA-2023: the activity of market participants exceeded expectations

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10 Aerosil is not the only light in the window — Candidate of Tech. Sci., Associate Professor Voitovich V. A., Candidate of Tech. Sci., Professor Khryapchenkova I. N.
In the article, it is proposed to use domestic ethyl silicates instead of imported aerosil to obtain paints and coatings. Experimental results that allow us to consider such a replacement possible and expedient are presented.
Keywords: aerosil, ethyl silicates, ethyl silicate-32, polyvinyl acetate dispersion, epoxy oligomers.

28 Influence of the degree of pigmentation on the gloss of alkyd-urethane enamels — Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Fediakova N. V., senior lecturer Pavlov A. V., Category 1 engineer Zelenskaya A. D., Doctor of Chemistry, Vice-Rector for Science Sherbina A. A.
The study of the influence of the degree of pigmentation of titanium dioxide alkyd-urethane varnish on the gloss of the formed coatings. The dependence of gloss on the degree of pigmentation is recommended as a calibration curve for calculating the filling constants of paints and varnishes of other color versions, and for cases when it is necessary to replace some of the pigments with fillers, which will reduce the number of experiments when developing formulations of new coatings.
Keywords: gloss of paint coatings, degree of pigmentation, filling constant, development of formulations of paint materials.

40 Thick-layer buffer coatings for optical fiber — Doctor of Tech. Sci., Professor Babkin O. E., Candidate of Tech. Sci., Associate Professor Babkina L. A., Candidate of Tech. Sci., Associate Professor Il’ina V. V., Litosov G. E., Gusev A. V., Minaev A. A., Kinareeva N. A.
The article presents the results of research in the field of creating protective coatings for optical fibers obtained by the «wet-on-wet» technology. The characteristics of UV-curable compositions obtained on raw materials from different manufacturers are considered. The influence of temperature on the dynamic viscosity of compositions on traditionally used and analogous raw materials was studied.
Proposed and substantiated by differential scanning microscopy data are technological solutions for obtaining a two-layer coating on an industrial installation NPP Spetskabel (Spetskabel Research and Production Enterprise, Moscow).
Keywords: optical fiber, UV curable compositions, «wet-on-wet» technology.

14 Production of paints and varnishes for woodworking: prospects and development

18 Nanocrystalline cellulose as a spectacular pigment in transparent coatings for wood

33 Study of adsorption capacity of paint additives by spectrophotometric method — Candidate of Chem. Sci. Konichev M. A., Candidate of Chem. Sci. Smrchek V. A., Candidate of Chem. Sci. Kutasevich A. V., Candidate of Chem. Sci. Kienskaya K. I., Koldaeva T. Yu., Doctor of Chem. Sci., prof. Perevalov V. P.
A number of colored paint additives with different anchor groups have been synthesized. The procedure for studying adsorption of these substances on solid adsorbents (pigments) from organic solutions by spectrophotometric method was developed. This procedure has been shown to be universal and independent of the nature of the solvent and solid adsorbents.
Keywords: paint additives, spectrophotometric analysis, pigments, adsorption.

24 Paint production in new realities — Andrutskaya O. M.


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12 We have come seriously and for a long time…
20 Strength in Unity

14 Rutilization of titanium dioxide, produced from ammonium hexafluorotitane — Prof. Dyachenko A. N., Candidate of Chem. Sci. Dyachenko E. N.

22 Development of technology for the production of anti-friction chemical resistant fluorourethane coatings for equipment for underwater hydrocarbon production systems — Doctor of Tech. Sci. Drinberg A. S., Doctor of Tech. Sci. Babkin O. E., Candidate of Tech. Sci. Litosov D. E., Candidate of Tech. Sci. Korobchuk M. S., Tokarev A. S., Tokarev P. A., Sumskiy A. S.
29 Promising areas of research and development in the technology of creating new anti-fouling materials. Part 3 — Drinberg A. A., Doctor of Tech. Sci. Babkin O. E., Doctor of Tech. Sci. Drinberg A. S., Candidate of Tech. Sci. Shamtsyan M. M., Cherkashina V. G., Ivanova A. M.
40 Restore lost positions. Part 2. Increasing the water resistance of coatings formed from compositions based on polyvinyl acetate dispersion — Candidate of Tech. Sci., Associate Professor Voitovich V. A., Candidate of Tech. Sci., Professor Khryapchenkova I. N.
50 Physico-chemical resistance and shock-absorbing properties of polymer composites with a protective shell — Yamilinets S. Yu., Lozitskaya A. V., Prof., Doctor of Tech. Sci. Kondratov A. P.

32 Water-dispersion acrylic enamel for radiators modified with epoxy binders —Candidate of Chem. Sci. Konstantinova E. P., Prof. Nikolaev P. V., Urmatskih S. E., Pticyn D. A., Bojko N. Ju.

46 Economic aspects of the production of hydrocarbon solvents on basis of gascondensate — Candidate of Tech. Sci. Samukov T. I.

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8 RIF-Micromramor — a solution for manufacturers of paint and varnish materials
14 The history of one diversification: how to turn antiseptics into professional hygiene

16 The formula for success is the ability to separate the empty from the solid

20 Improvement of technological and operational properties water-dispersion primer — Vasjalina A. A., Candidate of Chem. Sci. Ozhiganov V. V., Miloslavskaya V. V., Bakunin D. O., prof. Ilyin A. A., prof. Indeykin E. A.
The influence of various surfactants on the dispersion time of pigments and fillers in a water dispersion primer and on some properties of the formed coatings has been studied. It is shown that a nonionic dispersant, which is a polymer with pigmentaffin groups, makes it possible to disperse pigments and fillers in an aqueous medium to the required degree of particle dispersion in a minimum time. When using this dispersant, the best operational properties are observed.
Keywords: dispersants, anticorrosive properties, water-dispersion primer, water resistance, salt resistance.

28 Increasing the hydrophilicity of titanium dioxide by surface treatment with special additives of the trademark IVR — Candidate of Chem. Sci. Aristov B. G., Candidate of Chem. Sci. Konichev M. A., Candidate of Chem. Sci. Yarovaya O. V.
Work has been carried out to study the effect of IVP brand additives on the wetting ability (hydrophilicity) of plates of artificially grown single crystal TiO2 (rutile).TiO2 plates were kept in solutions of additives in xylene of different concentrations. At the same time, the additive was adsorbed on the surface of TiO2 with the formation of a film, which was expressed in a change in the wetting angle θ when applied to the modified surface of water and ethylene glycol (EG).
The wetting isotherms of H2O and EG are determined. It is shown that modification leads to an increase in the wettability of TiO2 with water and EG. The greatest wetting ability is acquired by samples modified with additives with a low GLB value, a small molecular weight and a high amine number. At the same time, cosθ reaches a plateau, reaching values of ≈0.99, starting with the concentration of these additives of ≈0.5% wt.
It is obvious that H2O and EG molecules interact with polar groups of additives (diphilic surfactants) forming a surface film, reducing the surface tension (σ). This leads to an improvement in wettability and an increase in the work of adhesion W. To assess the relationship between cosθ and W by the Wu method in the case of H2O, the values of the surface tension (σTg) of modified TiO2 samples, their dispersion and polar components were determined.
The additive values of W calculated by the Wu method for modified TiO2 samples coincided with the values of W determined by the Young–Dupree equation, which indicates the possibility of using this method, usually used for polymers, in the case of a modified TiO2 surface.
It is shown that modification of TiO2 with additives of the IVP trademark allows to influence the value of the polar component σ, increasing W and wetting ability.
Keywords: wettability, modified surface, wetting isotherms, surface film, surface tension, adhesion work, dispersion and polar components.

35 Pigments for coatings: yesterday, todаy, tomorrow. Part 2. — Candidate of Chem. Sci. Kaverinsky V. S., Candidate of Tech. Sci. Indeikina A. E., Kaverinsky D. V., Prof. Indeikin E. A.
Pigments are the most important components for coatings, printing inks, building materials, plastics, rubber products, linoleum, natural and artificial leathers, ceramics, medicines, cosmetics and many others. The history, current state and actual tasks of pigment production are considered.

24 Two component acrylic resins used in superior performance paint and varnish formulations — Babayiğit Levent, Dr. Dizman Cemil

56 Highly hydrophobic epoxy powder coatings modified with fine particles of polytetrafluoroethylene — Candidate of Tech. Sci. Egorova N. A., Candidate of Tech. Sci. Kozmina N. S., Professor, Doctor of Chem. Sci. Mashlyakovskiy L. N., Candidate of Tech. Sci. Khomko E. V.
It is shown, that the use of rather simple dry-mixing loading method of the microdispersed polytetrafluoroethylene particles (0.2–1.5 w. %) into industrial epoxy powder paint makes it possible to prepare coatings with diverse hydrophobicity (from hydrophobic to superhydrophobic), good mechanical characteristics, different gloss (from high glossy to deep matt), scrub resistance, hydrophobicity retention after testing in different mediums. Properties of the modified coatings depending on the polytetrafluoroethylene particles loading has been studied.
Keywords: epoxy powder paint, microdispersed polytetrafluoroethylene particles, modification by dry-mixing method, highly hydrophobic coatings.

66 Promising areas of research and development in the technology of creating new anti-fouling materials. Part 2 — Drinberg A. A., Doctor of Tech. Sci. Babkin O. E., Doctor of Tech. Sci. Drinberg A. S., Candidate of Tech. Sci. Shamtsyan M. M., Cherkashina V. G., Ivanova A. M.
Existing coatings for subsea hydrocarbon production systems have been studied. All existing types of fThe current trends in the development and use of antifouling coatings are summarized. Classifications of coatings by the presence or absence of biocides in their composition, structural features and surface properties are given, requirements for antifouling coatings are given, advantages and disadvantages are evaluated. Examples of technical solutions and technologies aimed at increasing the efficiency of combating marine fouling while minimizing the burden on the environment are given.
Keywords: marine fouling, antifouling, biocorrosion, marine colony, biocide-free coatings, biologically active substances, amphiphilic molecules, photosynthesis, bacterial quorum, oxygen autotrophy, biogenic nanoparticles, chelates, bionic antifouling, water displacement.

47 Influence of functional fillers on char characteristics of epoxy-based fire-retardant coatings — Maksimov V. R., Petrosyan G. O.

62 Physico-chemical and operational properties of paints in gas-condensate solvents series GC-LKM — Doctor of Tech. Sci. Khamidov B. N., Candidate of Tech. Sci. Samukov T. I., Ergashev Kh. T., Golyakov I. R.
The physicochemical properties of traditional petroleum and new gas condensate (GC) solvents have been studied and investigated according to the standards. Experimental batches of GC solvents have been tested in the laboratory for compare with the properties of paints and their industrial application.
Keywords: paints, solvent from gas condensate, fraction of hydrocarbons.

41 To love your job — Andrutskaya O. M.

77 In memory of O. E. Babkin


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